Krisztina Noémi Kiss's profile

Melkovics Tamás: Panta rhei

Panta rhei

Everything flows and everything in the Universe is indeed continually on the move, spiraling and shifting through space.

Tamás Melkovics’s organically organised works, which display anthropomorphic features, are simultaneously characterised
by a kind of playfulness, a rigorous intellectuality, a diversity of interpretative possibilities, and the tension between permanence and constant change. Drawing on ancient energies, the morphogenesis and evolution of line and form increasingly illustrate
a kind of morphology in contemporary sculpture, which possesses a natural-scientific quality. Through his works, the artist shows the continuous change, proliferation, and undulation of existence. The striking silhouettes of animated masses that transcend the human scale carry within them the fragility inherent in the concept of being.

Iberhalt Zsuzsa  
Kurátor | Curator: IBERHALT Zsuzsa
Kiadja | Publisher: Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum
Felelős kiadó | Publication overseen by: PROSEK Zoltán
Szerzők | Authors: IBERHALT Zsuzsa, TILLMANN József
Olvasószerkesztő | Copy editor: ZELEI Bori
Lektorálás | Proofreading: ZELEI Bori
Angol fordítás | English translation: RUDNAY Zsófia
Fotó | Photo: BIRÓ Dávid, DEIM Balázs, MELKOVICS Tamás
Grafikai terv | Graphic design: KISS Krisztina Noémi
Közreműködött | Contributor: HERR Ágnes
Képszerkesztés | Photo editing: BIRÓ Dávid, DEIM Balázs
Kölcsönző intézmények | Lending institutions:
BTM - Kiscelli Múzeum - Fővárosi Képtár |
BTM - Kiscelli Museum - Municipal Picture Gallery
Nyomda | Printed by: EPC Nyomda, Budaörs

Melkovics Tamás: Panta rhei


Melkovics Tamás: Panta rhei
